Sunday, February 9, 2014

Find The Hidden Potential

Trash or Treasure?

Ever wonder what to do with your unwanted items, be it your odd suitcases, unused crutches, a rolling pin or even an old ladder? Well, believe it or not, all these items can be reused. 

Photo Cred: Emily E. Clark and Ode to June Lisa

1. Suitcases can be re-purposed in a wonderful fashion. With the correct treatment, it can double as part of your stylish decor and give you some additional storage. 

Photo Cred: Ode to June Lisa

Feeling creative? Turn an unwanted small suitcase into a nifty storage nook in the bathroom for your cosmetics or other personal effects. Not only is this a chic way to help maintain organization, it adds an extra nuance of character to your personal space.


2. How long have you had those old crutches lying around? The ones that helped you get around after you broke you leg several eons ago. Well, why not put them to good use again? A little bit of imagination can go along way.

Photo Cred: Mamie Jane

Why not follow Mamie Jane's tutorial in the link provided above and put those crutches to good use again? Mamie Jane certainly proved a little bit of imagination can go a long way.

What about working your old crutches into a floor lamp? Bet you didn't see that coming. 

Photo Cred:

For the full tutorial, please click on the link provided above. Beckie offers all the details required to turn your crutches into this neat floor lamp, guaranteed to be an interesting conversation piece at your next social event. 


3.  Have you ever wondered how you can reuse your old rolling pins? Rolling Pin Hook Racks are making a splash on and it's ideal for the kitchen. Why not hang your apron or even a few potted plants on these hooks?

Photo Cred: Jessica Farmer BlueBirdHeaven

Photo Cred: Jessica Farmer BlueBirdHeaven

Rolling Pin Hook Racks - Jessica Farmer - BlueBirdHeaven

Jessica Farmer, the owner of BlueBirdHeaven has several reclaimed, chic rolling pin hook racks up for sale. The details are provided in the link above. The costs vary. But if you are feeling frugal, ambitious or if you just like to reuse items, there is no reason you cannot attempt to create and customize your own rolling pin hook rack from scratch. 


4. Any ladders lying around? Why not re-purpose them? One of the latest growing trends are ladder bookshelves. 

Photo Cred: Krista Dandelion Expression
Ladder Bookshelf - Cheap DIY - Antique-Ladder-Shelf

I found a neat blog by Krista, a young lady and new mom who has some awesome ideas to share. Her Ladder Bookshelf tutorial is covered in 5 steps and is rather simple to follow.

I'm in the process of trying this at home. I'll consider it a success if my bookshelf turns out even half as nice as Krista's.

Photo Cred: Krista Dandelion Expression

Don't forget to check out Krista's other neat and inventive projects. 

Re-purposing an old item is a great way to live a green life, so to speak. While we can't save every single item, we can try to up-cycle the items we can reuse. All we have to do, is look around and find some potential. 


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