A Few Great Ideas For Some Old Bottles You May Have Lying Around...Just Sharing!
Looking around the house, I realized I had some old empty bottles just sitting around. So I started scouring the web, looking for some neat and nifty ideas.
Photo Cred: ClassyGarbage/Etsy/ Chell Frost
5 Ways To Upcycle Wine Bottles is a pretty cool link. I found these ideas on that blog.
Photo Cred: Moonshine Lamp Co.
The company called MoonshineLamp Co. has done some pretty wild things with used wine bottles. I was amazed at how creativity can be found in the simplest of items.
This blog is amazing overall. The amount of information and credibility it has is very good. It inspires me to come up with new things and to recycle things that I have at home. These are ideas that I never thought of and could start using.