Friday, March 28, 2014

Upcycle Your Old Armoire Into a Aviary

While I am not a fan of the idea of keeping birds, (it's a person thing, I think birds have wings to enjoy their freedom) I know some people who do keep birds. 

That's what inspired me to post this fabulous idea from the Empress of Creativity. This old Armoire was upcycled into an amazing Aviary

Photo Cred: Empress of Creativity

If you are keeping some small birds, the generous size of the armoire is probably a perfect way to keep those little wings flapping. 

The multiple doors also allow for easy access when you have to tend to the birds or clean the cage.

Now, if ever I have a change of heart about keeping a bird, I think I would want something like this. 

Getting my husband to agree, is another story, but nonetheless, follow this DIY Armoire to Aviary Blog and see how to create your own armoire aviary. 

Photo Cred: Empress of Creativity

As you go along, I am sure you will find great ways to customize your own armoire aviary, and please feel free to share those ideas with us. 

This is an awesome example of upcycling and is one of my favorites I have come across thus far. 

For this, and other great upcycling tips, go to The Cottage Market and check out the 25 Upcycled Furniture Ideas. 

Until next time, happy upcycling!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

How to Upcycle Your Old Windows - Easy-To-Follow Ideas

Great ideas on how to upcycle your old windows. Look at what you can do with an old window and a few cans of mirror-like paint! 

I found this neat little blog called Mommy MoonBlossom that I simply had to share. It has a full tutorial on how you can Upcycle Your Old Windows and create your own masterpiece. 

Photo Cred: Sunnie Wicker 

Sunnie Wicker upcycled this window for $12. 

Photo Cred: Sunnie Wicker

I also found this Window Coffee Table that is absolutely adorable.

Photo Cred: UpCycle That 

While this blog does not come with a step-by-step tutorial, the author did include the instructions in the blog. 

Photo Cred: UpCycle That 

While this blog does not come with a step-by-step tutorial, the author did include the instructions in the blog. So if you are feeling creative, upcycle your old windows and share the results with us.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Upcycled Light Bulbs - 3 Great Ideas

What to do with old light bulbs? Create your very own tiny terrarium, some unusual earrings (yes earrings believe it or not) or even turn them into decorative pears ornaments to be placed in a bowl as a center piece!

How cool is this? An old light bulb was upcycled into a teeny weeny terrarium! 

Photo Cred: Hipster Home

The Hipster Home blog site details how you can create your very own tiny Terrarium. This site has easy to follow step-by-step instructions (along with pictures) to guide you through the process of creating this minuscule wonder.

So you're thinking, what if Terrariums ain't my thing? Fret not. Check out these light bulb earrings.

Photo Cred: Sparking Water Studio

You are unconventional, unusual and adorable. While I was not able to obtain the DIY blog tutorial to create these earrings, I wanted to post them anyway, simply because I think this is a stunning use of unwanted/upcycled light bulbs. Why not create your own pair of earrings and share it with us?

Last but not least, who would have ever thought a light bulb could be turned into a decorative pear? Believe it or not, here it is!

Photo Cred: Todd and Lindsey

Don't just take my word for for it. Click on this link above and check out their blog. They have done phenomenal job at transforming ordinary household light bulbs into something really elegant. 

Photo Cred: Todd and Lindsey

Photo Cred: Todd and Lindsey

It just goes to show, if we really want to make a commitment to upcycling items, no item is too big or small to reuse.

Upcycled Old Bottles

A Few Great Ideas For Some Old Bottles You May Have Lying Around...Just Sharing!

Looking around the house, I realized I had some old empty bottles just sitting around. So I started scouring the web, looking for some neat and nifty ideas.   

Photo Cred: ClassyGarbage/Etsy/ Chell Frost

 5 Ways To Upcycle Wine Bottles is a pretty cool link. I found these ideas on that blog. 

Photo Cred: Moonshine Lamp Co. 

The company called MoonshineLamp Co. has done some pretty wild things with used wine bottles. I was amazed at how creativity can be found in the simplest of items.